June 28, 2012

A Victory For Balance

I’m always intrigued by the social media discussions that we are now privy to when historic news breaks, such as today’s Supreme Court decision in NFIB vs. Sebelius. Naturally, much of the coverage and comments have zeroed in on Chief Justice Roberts’ justification of the individual mandate as a tax rather than as an acceptable form of interstate commerce regulation, which was the main argument offered by proponents of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Some have claimed that Roberts’ reasoning opens the door for the federal government to tax anything and everything in ways that will allow it to shape citizens’ behavior to a frightening extent. I think that ship has already sailed, though.

June 18, 2012

The Race

Author Charles Wheelan gave readers of the Wall Street Journal a preview of his latest book at the end of April in an essay entitled “10 Things Your Commencement Speaker Won’tTell You.” Perfectly timed with the onset of the prom dress and cap-and-gown season, I was especially drawn to item #5 on his list. He refers to what he calls “the Little League arms race”, an extended metaphor that illustrates a social trend that, I would argue, is increasingly defining American culture